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COVID-19 Protocol at Crimson Care

Thank you for choosing the Crimson Care Network.


You may receive one or more of the following tests at our locations depending on your symptoms: COVID, Flu, Strep, or Antibody.



Drive-Thru Testing is for COVID Only. If you need to be tested for flu, strep, or rsv you will go inside after going through the drive-thru line and have a regular urgent care visit.


For in person results, please return to the clinic you were tested at a full 24hrs after 5:00pm to receive a hard copy of results. All covid results will be available in your patient portal. Existing patients can easily sign in and new patients can easily register. 


















Along with our suggestions regarding your immediate care, our providers suggest the standard CDC guidance with regards to the above illnesses:


Waiting on COVID Result:


Stay Home and away from others.

  •             If in contact with someone with Covid-19, stay home and away from others for 14 days after your last contact with that person.

  •             If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms of Covid-19, stay home and away from others (except to get medical care.)


Monitor your health.

  • Watch for fever (100.4°F), cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19. Remember, symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to COVID-19 and can include:


  1. Fever or chills

  2. Cough

  3. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  4. Tiredness

  5. Muscle or body aches

  6. Headache

  7. New loss of taste or smell

  8. Sore throat

  9. Congestion or runny nose

  10. Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea


COVID Positive


Isolate yourself if you are sick.


Stay home except to get medical care.

  • Monitor your symptoms. If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately

  • Stay in a separate room from other household members, if possible

  • Use a separate bathroom, if possible

  • Avoid contact with other members of the household and pets

  • Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils

  • Wear a mask when around other people, if you are able to


When should you seek further medical care:

  • Look for emergency warning signs* for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately

  1. Trouble breathing

  2. Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

  3. New confusion

  4. Inability to wake or stay awake

  5. Bluish lips or face


*This list is not all possible symptoms. Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.

Call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility: Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.


How long should I Isolate:

If you continue to have no symptoms, you can be with others after:

  • 10 days have passed since the date you had your positive test



Other common COVID Questions:

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