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allergy testing In Tuscaloosa, AL

Our Allergy Testing Services

Alongside our other healthcare services, Crimson Care provides allergy testing services in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Whether you are testing your child for the first time, or you're checking in on your own allergies, Crimson Care is here to take care of you and yours. We test for 60 different allergens ​to ensure that you or your child are fully covered across many common allergens. Read more about our services below.

New Allergy Testing

Environmental (35 allergens to test for)

  • Tree pollen

  • Grass pollen

  • Weed pollen

  • Mold, insects

  • Pet dander

  • Cockroaches

  • Dust mites

  • Etc.


Food (25 allergens to test for)

  • Dairy

  • Egg

  • Fruits

  • Meats

  • Seafood

  • Vegetables

  • Yeast

  • Grains

  • Legumes

  • Etc.

a woman suffering from an allergic reaction on her arm

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What Are The Benefits Of Allergy Testing?

Allergies can develop as soon as the first few months after birth, or develop them overtime.  When our immune systems detect something is dangerous for our bodies, we will have a reaction. It's important to be able to identify the allergens in our everyday environment that can cause us to have a reaction. Testing is done by a simple blood draw. You do not need to be off any of your everyday medications nor is there risk for an allergic reaction. If you're interested in allergy testing for you or your child stop by Crimson Care today, or book online.

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